Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Marilyn McCord Adams, the Church, and the LGBTQ community

[Disclaimer: By posting the following link(s), I do not mean to endorse the contents of the link(s).]

In these links, Christian philosopher and theologian Marilyn McCord Adams (Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford University) presents her analysis as to why many contemporary Christians see LGBTQ[1] lifestyles and orientations. She begins by asking the following question:
How does religion that sets out to serve what is good: to help people grow in the knowledge of God and love God and neighbor - how does biblical religion that sees every human being as created in God's image - come to sponsor what liberals regard as obvious human rights violations? How do its promoters, brilliant in mind and zealous of heart, come to feel confident and comfortable in reasoning in these ways?
 Her answer? "They get there by four simple, but probably unconscious, easy steps." What do we make of Adams' "diagnosis"?

Part 1:
Part 2:

[1] Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered/transsexual, and queer.

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